The Sunshine Blogger Award-Part 5

Hi, everyone! 🙂


I’ve been nominated yet again for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I would like to thank Jenna@BookmarkYourThoughts for nominating me. She writes great posts related to books and more. Do visit her blog! 😀

Let’s get started!

  1. What’s your favourite book from your childhood?

    Harry Potter, hands down.

  2. From the best of your knowledge, what is your favourite childhood memory?

    My favourite childhood memory as far as I can remember is a Barbie contest that I had participated in along with my mom. This memory is so vivid in my mind because of the numerous photos that are stored in my album.

  3. What was your favourite subject in school? Why?

    My favourite subject in school was English Literature and Computer Technology. I never got bored of learning new things in these classes.

  4. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to come back as?

    That’s an interesting question! I think I would like to reincarnate as a bird (as weird as it sounds) because I love travelling and exploring new places.

  5. Name one reason why you would want to teleport to the future? What do you think it will behold?

    I’m loving the questions, haha. What would be most interesting about teleporting to the future is to gain an insight on what the future holds for me and who still exists in my life. It might be scary to know what’s going to happen to you, but it would be exciting at the same time.

  6. Who is your favourite hero/heroine in YA literature?

    Oh, that’s a tough one. I have so many favourite YA characters and the list is pretty much endless. If I had to choose one, the hero would be Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower and heroine would be Caddy from Beautiful Broken Things.

  7. You’ve won a million dollars; what’s the very first thing you do with the money?

    Travel! I haven’t travelled to a lot of the places mentioned on my bucket list, so I would definitely spend the money there.

  8. It’s movie watching time; what’s your favourite movie genre that you’re most likely going to watch? Do you have a favourite movie?

    I enjoy watching a lot of movie genres, but my favourites are Sci-Fi and Animated movies. The one movie that I can watch over and over again is Big Hero 6!

  9. You can instantly travel to anywhere in the world; where are you travelling to? Why?

    I would love to travel to Norway just so I can experience the Northern Lights. ❤

  10. You find a genie (with no restrictions) and are the lucky one to have three of your wishes granted; what are they?

    I would wish to get my dream job, unlimited books, and always be able to bring a smile to someone’s face.

  11. What book series or standalone novel would you recommend/do recommend to anyone? Why?

    There are so many books that I have in mind. Some of them are:

  • To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
  • Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Bernard
  • When We Collided by Emery Lord
  • The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 😀


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The Sunshine Blogger Award-Part 3

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated yet again for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

Many thanks to 
Renate @popcornandfilm for nominating me! She posts great stuff about movies, tv shows, and so much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

Let’s get started!

  1. If you could live in any country, which one would it be?

    I would love to live in England, London to be specific. There’s something about this city that makes me feel happy.

  2. Which movie are you most looking forward to watching at the cinema this year?

    So many of them! Some of the movies that I’m really excited for are…
    a) Beauty and the Beast
    b) Logan
    c) Wonder Woman

  3. If you could discuss one movie with a producer or actor, who would it be and which movie would you discuss?

    I would discuss a movie with Lauren Graham! I’m not sure of the movie, but we’d definitely discuss a movie from the comedy genre because she’s got a lively and witty personality.

  4. In which Hogwarts house do you belong? 


  5. Which is your favorite TV-Show atm?

    The Flash! I am definitely hooked, haha.

  6. If you could write a book about yourself, what would the title be?

    That’s a great question. Given the opportunity, I would love to write a book about myself. I’m pretty sure the title would be something unexpected, but I can’t think of anything right now. (This is what lack of sleep does to your brain…)

  7.  If you could go back to the past and change something in your life, what would it be? (but be warned that changing history can be very dangerous)

    I love how you’ve inserted a warning there, haha. Well, I would definitely erase all the mistakes I’ve made in life. Undoubtedly, we all make mistakes and that’s what makes life so interesting, but there remains a sense of regret of not being able to make things right.

  8. Would you rather go to HogwartsXavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters or Starfleet Academy?

    Hogwarts for life!

  9. Best thing that will happen in 2017?

    Increasing my productivity levels!

  10. The best food from your country that you would recommend everyone to try?

    Well, I love trying out new varieties of food. Here are some of my favourites that I would recommend everyone to try:

    a) Italian cuisine-Pesto Pasta
    b) Indian cuisine-Biryani
    c) French cuisine-Cheese Panini

  11. Which movie should everyone watch right now and why?

Questions for my nominees:

  1. What’s your personality type?
  2. What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?
  3. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  4. If you could have one superpower, which one would it be? And, why?
  5. What song are you currently listening to on repeat?
  6. Who’s your favorite actor/actress?
  7. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
  8. Would you rather cook your own meals or just get take out?

I nominate everyone! If you decide to accept this award, feel free to drop a link to your answers in the comments section below. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! 😀



The Book Fangirling Award

Hi, everyone! 🙂


I saw this award earlier on Sammie @booksandbiros, and I would like to thank her for encouraging me to do this award. She posts great book reviews and tags. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Create a post to accept your award.
  2. Answer the questions I have at the end.
  3. Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  4. Come up with 5 questions for your nominees.

Answers to Sammie’s questions:

  1. Take the last four main characters from the last four books that you read and create two new OTPs/couples! Who would end up with who, and why? Also, who do you ship the most?!

    The last four main characters from the last four books I’ve read so far are:
    a) Jane from My Lady Jane
    b) Andie from The Unexpected Everything
    c) Gansey from The Raven Boys
    d) Jonah from When We Collided

    OTP’s I wish were real:
    a) Firstly, I would pair Jane and Gansey because they are both strong-headed characters, who never let their guard down. I imagine their relationship to be confusing but romantic at the same time.
    b) Secondly, I would pair Andie and Jonah because they both seem to be at a confused stage in their lives. By helping and supporting each other, they’ll be able to save themselves from all the turmoil.

  2. If you could try any food described in any book, what would it be?

    To be honest, I don’t remember any specific food items being described in books. However, I do appreciate stories with creative food items that are realistically unattainable.

  3. What was the last book that you gave five stars to, and why?

    The last book that I gave five stars to was My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. There are many positive reasons as to why this book deserves a five-star rating.

  4. Willy Wonka, Professor Snape and Katniss Everdeen walk into your bar (start of the world’s greatest joke, right?) What drink would you make for each of them, and why?

    Sammie, your questions are getting wilder by the minute, haha!
    a) Willy Wonka’s Drink:
    A milkshake with peppermint canes, rainbow sherbet ice cream, whipped cream, and gummy bears.
    b) Professor Snape’s Drink:
    A black coloured drink with a pinch of chilli and lemon.
    c) Katniss Everdeen:
    I’d probably serve her a drink with fire.

  5. What’s your favourite fandom, and why?

    I’m a part of a lot of fandoms, but my ultimate favourite is the Harry Potter fandom. I’ve been a Harry Potter fan since I was a young child, hence, it holds a very special place in my heart.

Questions for my nominees:

  1. Where is your favourite place to read books?
  2. Do you have an account specially dedicated towards your fandom?
  3. Are there any book characters that you can personally relate to?
  4. How would you rate your fangirl/fanboy level on a scale of 1-10?
  5. If you could host a book signing event, which authors would you invite?


I nominate all the fangirls and fanboys! If in case you decide to do this award, feel free to let me know in the comments section below. I’d love to read your answers!

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 🙂

-The Jouska

The Sunshine Blogger Award-Part 2

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award yet again.


Before I start, I would like to thank mayathebookexplorer  for the nomination. She posts great book reviews and tags. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer 11 questions that have been assigned to you.
  4. Nominate 11 deserving bloggers for the award.
  5. Ask 11 questions to your nominees.

Answers to Maya’s questions:

  1. When did you know you should start your own blog?
    I had been contemplating the idea of starting my own blog for a very long time. However, it was only a few months ago that I got the confidence to start ‘The Jouska’.
  2. What do you look at first: the book cover or the blurb?
    I have to admit that I do get attracted by beautiful book covers, however, my buying decision mainly depends on the summary of the book.
  3. Would you say you read a lot and can you stop reading in the middle of a chapter?
    I guess I do read a lot! No way. If I stop reading in the middle of a chapter, I won’t be able to get anything else done. I’ll keep on thinking about the half-completed chapter, haha.
  4. Name your top 5 favourite books?
    Well, my top 3 recent favourites would be:
    a) My Lady Jane
    b) Gone Girl
    c) The Unexpected  Everything
    And, my top 2 all-time favourites would be:
    a) The Harry Potter series
    b) The Book Thief
  5. Do you read the book after the movie that’s based on that book is already out? And which is better, the movie or the book?
    I usually prefer reading the book before watching the movie. Most of the time, the books are way better than the movies. Although, I did like a few movies better than the book…
  6. Have you read the whole published The Game of Thrones book series? If yes, how long did it take to finish?
    Nope, I haven’t read that series yet.
  7. Do you have book nights with your friends?
    I remember having one last year, it was quite fun. Unfortunately, we don’t have these frequently.
  8. You could be any book character you wanted…Who would you be and why?
    My number one choice would be Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
    Some of the reasons why I would be her is because she is:
    a) Witty.
    b) Charming.
    c) Straight-forward.
    d) Stylish.
    e) Observant.
  9. Do you think of yourself as a calm, quiet reader or as someone that expresses his feelings loudly when reading the book?
    I think I’m more of a calm, quiet reader because I’m not very expressive when it comes to feelings.
  10. How old were you when you bought your first book and what was the name of it?
    To be honest, my parents always tell me that I started reading books at a very young age. I don’t remember the name of my first book…it probably would’ve been some fairytale.
  11. Any advice for a new blogger?
    Firstly, don’t be afraid of the outcome. Don’t think about what other people have to say, always be confident and sure of what you do. Secondly, be consistent. Try to post as regularly as possible. If it’s not easy for you to post every day, you could follow a timetable. That’ll help you keep track of your posts.


  1. Claire
  2. bookdustmagic
  3. Renate
  4. thecrazychicrashmi
  5. Lex
  6. Jonas
  7. nerdybirdy
  8. locoforbooks
  9. LairOfBooksBlog
  10. youngadultfictionreviews
  11. AlexCharming

Questions for my nominees:

  1. What’s your favourite book genre?
  2. Which quote do you live by?
  3. What would be your dream career?
  4. If you had a choice, which city would you settle in?
  5. What’s your favourite TV Show?
  6. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or using your headphones?
  7. Where do you usually shop?
  8. If you could live in a fictional world, which one would it be?
  9. How would you rate your cooking skills on a scale of 1-10?
  10. Who’s your celebrity crush?
  11. What’s your weirdest habit?

Congrats to all the nominees! I’m looking forward to reading your answers.  🙂
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers!

-The Jouska

The Liebster Award-Part 3

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award yet again. Yay!


Before I start, I would like to thank Renate @Popcornandfilm for the nomination. She posts great movie reviews, discussions, and other fun stuff. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the questions assigned to you.
  4. Nominate 11 deserving bloggers for the award.
  5. Ask 11 questions to your nominees.

Answers to Renate’s questions:

  1. Which TV-show are you looking forward to the most (that will have a new season)?
    Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life! The new season is said to be released this year,and I cannot wait to see the cast in Stars Hollow all over again.
  2. Which country would you love to visit and why?
    There are so many countries that I would love to visit, but I’m looking forward to visiting London the most. It may seem crazy, but there’s something about this place that makes it seem so magical.
  3. You have the opportunity to meet a celebrity, who is it?
    Lauren Graham! I absolutely love her. She’s pretty, funny, witty, and she has a charming personality.
  4. Any movie genre you really do not like?
    I think my least favourite would be Horror because the blood and the creepy faces don’t really appeal to me.
  5. If you could be any Disney character, then who would you be?
    I think I would be Mulan because she’s courageous, self-driven, and takes charge of her own destiny.
  6. The best movie you’ve seen this year is?
    Finding Dory! This movie was a major throwback to my childhood, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the movie.
  7. The best thing about summer is?
    I’m not really a summer person, but eating ice cream makes it a little better.
  8. What is the best thing to collect?
    I think that photos are the best thing to collect over the years because they remind you of your childhood, the fond memories you’ve spent with you friends and family, and all the places you’ve traveled so far. For me, it’s very important to capture the smallest of the smallest moments because someday in the future I’ll look back at these photos and smile. 🙂
  9. If you had the opportunity to write a book then what would it be about and what would it be called?
    First of all, that would be a great opportunity for me. The genre would be Young Adult Fiction with a hint of self-help and motivation in it. It would probably be about a young woman who has decided to take full control of her life by taking risky decisions on her own instead of letting others do it for her. As a whole, the book will explain her journey of self-discovery.  I’m not too sure about the title of the book…
  10. Thor lost his hammer, where do you find it?
    I’d probably find it in one of the most unexpected places. Perhaps, under my bed?
  11. If earth would be invaded by aliens, how would you save it?
    Aliens, huh? I’d save the world by using my secret superpowers (Of course!). All I need is some heroic powers and wizardly powers and I’m good to go, haha.


  1. Rattlethestars
  2. justgeeklyfab
  3. danniijane
  4. YOUnfolded
  5. Claudiamariefit
  6. Jodi- a brash attitude
  7. Erica
  8. Ankhoryou
  9. Sammie @booksandbiros
  10. Mayathebookexplorer

Questions for my nominees:

  1. What do you love most about blogging?
  2. What’s your all-time favourite movie?
  3. Which book makes you laugh out loud?
  4. What’s the one thing you carry around with you everywhere you go?
  5. What’s your star sign?
  6. What’s the most heavenly dessert you’ve ever eaten?
  7. Are you more laid-back or up-to-date with your style?
  8. Would you rather direct a film or write a book?
  9. Out of all the countries you’ve visited so far, which one do you consider to be the most beautiful?
  10. Would you rather watch a new TV show or re-watch an old one?
  11. If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 
Congrats to all the nominees! I’m looking forward to reading your answers. 😀

-The Jouska

The Real Neat Blog Award

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award.


Before I start, I would like to thank Shameeka @Booksoverblumen for the nomination. She posts great book reviews, tags, music, and much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the seven questions.
  3. Frame seven questions for your nominees.
  4. Nominate seven deserving bloggers for the award.

Answers to Shameeka’s questions:

  1. Who is your book boyfriend/best friend? And, why?
    I’m going to mention a specific character from a book just to make it more interesting. I would consider Hermione Granger from Harry Potter to be my best friend because she’s smart and witty. And, I would consider Adam from If I Stay to be my boyfriend because what’s better than dating a band member? *dreamy eyes*
  2. What is the craziest book among what you’ve read so far? (Like bat-shit insane)
    To be honest, I’ve not read a book that’s bat-shit insane for a very long time now. The last book I read that I would consider crazy is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn because of the insane plot twist.
  3. What is your favorite genre of music? Any song recommendations?
    Well, my taste in music greatly depends on my mood. However, my favorites would be Indie Pop/Rock. I would suggest listening to Twenty One Pilots and Two Door Cinema Club. I love their songs!
  4. What do you do in your spare time?
    A lot of things! I like to multi-task, haha. Apart from blogging on WordPress, I like to read books, bake, cook, play some sports, and get creative with some arts and crafts.
  5. In a battle between Voldemort and Darth Vader, who do you think will win?
    I’m going to have to choose Voldemort because I’ve been a Harry Potter fan since my childhood. Also, nothing can beat wizardly powers!
  6. What does blogging mean to you?
    That’s an interesting question! To me, blogging translates to freedom. It gives me a platform to express my opinions and thoughts freely on a range of topics. It also gives me the confidence to be able to speak up on something that I strongly believe in. Moreover, blogging has given me the opportunity to interact with my readers and fellow bloggers, which has made me a happier and optimistic person.
  7. If you could swap positions with a book character, who would it be and why?
    Hm, that’s a hard choice to make because I’m in love with so many book characters. But, I think that my number one choice would be Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

    Some of the main reasons why I would swap positions with her is because she is:
    a) Witty.
    b) Charming.
    c) Straight-forward.
    d) Stylish.
    e) Observant.

*Drum Roll Please* The nominees are:

  1. Renate @Popcornandfilm
  2. Donna @Chocolatenwafflesblog
  3. ChicNerdReads
  4. irena_bookdustmagic
  5. Amy @Herquarters
  6. Michelle @Thewritinghufflepuff
  7. Strictly Lighthearted
  8. Amy @inkyspells
  9. Diego @Lazysundaymoviesblog
  10. Melissa @Booknerdmomo

Questions for my nominees:

  1. What’s the story behind your blog name?
  2. Do you plan your posts before writing them or are you more spontaneous?
  3. Is there any book that you could read over and over again without getting bored?
  4. Who’s your favorite Talk Show host?
  5. Would you rather read the book first and then watch the movie or vice versa?
  6. Have you ever gotten the opportunity to meet your idol? (It can be anybody, a celebrity, author, singer, and so on.)
  7. How many languages can you speak?

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers!
Congrats to all the nominees! I’m looking forward to reading your answers. 😀

-The Jouska



The Epically Awesome Award

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for the Epically Awesome Award. To be honest, I’ve never heard of this award before, but it seems like a good way to engage and motivate bloggers across the blogging community.epic

Before I start, I would like to thank Bigandpinkytoes for the nomination. She posts great articles about family, food, and much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the 5 questions.
  4. Nominate 5 deserving bloggers for the award.

Answers to the questions:

  1. What made you choose WordPress as a blogging platform?
    Well, I did have a fan blog a long time ago on Tumblr, but then I deleted it because it just didn’t feel right. However, this year, I searched Google for the ‘Best Blogging Platforms’ and tada! I saw WordPress over there. I knew that WP would be the perfect blogging platform for me because it’s convenient and customizable, which in a way lets me express myself freely!

    My expression when I found WordPress, haha.

  2. Introduce yourself and tell us about your blog.
    I’m Flaneur, and I like to multi-task. Some of my hobbies are reading, blogging, being artsy, cooking, and much more. Moving on to my blog, ‘The Jouska’, it took me a while to come up with this name because I wanted something unique that I could relate to. I post articles on different topics namely: Food, Fashion, Books, Thoughts, and other interesting things. Also, the one thing that makes me like my blog  more is the support I receive from all my readers.
  3. Are you a once in a while blogger or a daily one?
    I consider myself to be a daily blogger because I try my best to post something new every day (if time permits) or at least every alternate day.

  4. Do you wish to publish a book and if so, what type of book?
    I love reading books, but writing a book is on a whole new level. I think it would be interesting to write a Young Adult book, maybe someday in the future, but not right now.
  5. What is your favorite thing to do besides writing?
    Besides writing and reading, I like to:
    a) Listen to Music.
    b) Cook food every now and then.
    c) Get creative with home decor and other art-related things.
    d) Explore new places.


All of your epically awesome blogs deserve this award. Also, I’d like to get to know all of you better. If you’re interested in this award, feel free to let me know in the comments section below! 🙂

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 😀

-The Jouska

The Liebster Award-Part 2

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated yet again for the Liebster Award. 


Before I start, I would like to thank Alice Rambles for the nomination. She posts great articles about beauty, food, lifestyle, and much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the questions assigned to you.
  4. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10 deserving bloggers for the award.
  6. Ask 10 questions to your nominees.

Random Facts about myself:

I’m going to skip this part because I’ve shared many facts about myself in my previous posts and I don’t want to bore my readers. 🙂

Answers to Alice’s questions:

  1. What is one TV show that you could watch for hours on end?
    Gilmore Girls! It’s my all-time favorite.
  2. If you could have a brand new car, what color would you like it to be?
    I’d have to choose Electric Blue because even if the car gets old, it still looks brand new because of the vibrant color.
  3. Do you have lots of things on your walls or hardly any?
    To be honest, my wall is filled with frames and posters of my favorite TV shows, bands, movies, and quotes!
  4. Would you rather be rich and stupid or poor and intelligent?
    That’s a good question, but I don’t have a definite answer for that. I think balance is very crucial in one’s life.
  5. Shuffle your entire music library – which song plays first?
    Desire by Years and Years. I love this song, by the way.
  6. What’s your favorite shop to spend ages in?
    Galeries Lafayette is my favorite place to shop at. It’s got great gourmet food, furnishing, clothes, shoes, and much more.
  7. What’s your main guilty pleasure in life?
    I’d say Chocolate. There’s nothing that can beat the yumminess of chocolate.
  8. Have you ever been in love?
    Nope, never have.
  9. What’s your favorite band/musician?
    My favorite band is Twenty One Pilots and my favorite singer is Adele.
  10. What’s the next film you plan to watch?
    Finding Dory! I can’t wait for it to release. 😀

Since this award is about discovering new blogs, I’ve nominated a few bloggers whom I’ve only recently connected with. 🙂 

  1. Donna
  2. Zoyie
  3. Kourtni Reads 
  4. Chic Nerd Reads
  5. TeenBookLit101
  6. Nelly Cherry
  7. Somawrites
  8. Rose Tinted Pics 

Questions for my nominees:

  1. Do you prefer home-cooked meals or take-out meals?
  2. What’s your favorite cuisine?
  3. Do you have a pet? If yes, which animal do you have?
  4. Name any three countries you’re dying to visit.
  5. If you could go see one 80s band/singer live in concert, who would it be?
  6. What’s your favorite clothing item?
  7. What do you regret doing as a child or a teen?
  8. What’s your best personality trait?
  9. Do you prefer traveling alone or along with your family and friends?
  10. Are you more of an e-reader or traditional paperback reader?

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 😀

-The Jouska



The Versatile Blogger Award

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award.VERSATILE 1

Before I start, I would like to thank Amy @ inkyspells for the nomination. If you love book reviews and tags, then you should visit her lovely blog. 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate other deserving bloggers for the award.

Seven Facts about myself: (Since I’ve already stated some facts in my previous Award post, I’m going to share some not-so-obvious ones with you today, haha.)

  1. I am a Vegetarian. And, no, I do not only eat raw fruits and vegetables. There’s a ton of yummy food that I eat.
  2. I’m a stationery addict. I don’t care how much stationery I have at home, I will keep buying more and more and MORE! (Oh, and, if they are vintage, there’s nothing that can stop me from raiding the store.)
  3. I love baking! One of my best creations is Chocolate Chip Brownies. Am I making you drool yet? 😉
  4. I know how to code simple applications using Java. 
  5. My favorite fruit is Strawberries because they taste heavenly dipped in chocolate! 
  6. I volunteer at the Special Needs Center once in a while. I enjoy volunteering there because it helps me appreciate the small things in life.
  7. I don’t know if this is weird or not, but I always play out scenarios in my head whenever I listen to a song. For example, when I listen to Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood, I imagine myself leading a mafia. Am I the only one who does this or…?

*Drum Roll Please* I would like to nominate the following bloggers:

  1. Louise @geniereads
  2. Urban Tutu
  3. Fatima @NoteablePad
  4. Marie @Drizzleandhurricanebooks
  5. Kat Impossible
  6. Adi in the Life
  7. Claire
  8. Quirky Victorian
  9. Lauren @Wonderlessreviews

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers!
Congrats to all the nominees! I’m looking forward to reading your answers.

-The Jouska


The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Once again, thank you so much for all the love and support. All these Award nominations make me jump with happiness. 


Before I start, I would like to thank Christina for the nomination. She posts informative articles about travel, food and much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer 11 questions that have been assigned to you.
  4. Nominate 11 deserving bloggers for the award.
  5. Ask 11 questions to your nominees.

Answers to Christina’s questions:

  1. How do you bring sunshine into someone’s day?
    Well, I appreciate them for the work they’ve done or I gift them something to make them feel special.
  2. What has been your biggest ambition?
    My biggest ambition is to become a Marketing Director of a leading Fashion Company.
  3. If you could travel to any time period, which one would it be? And if possible, would you change the course of history or do you feel that history is something we should leave untouched?
    That’s an interesting question! I think it would be the Victorian Era because it was a long period of peace and prosperity. I believe that history should remain untouched because it is something that we are rooted upon.
  4. If you’ve lost motivation at work and find that your true interests lie elsewhere, would you make that change? Even if it includes struggles along the way?
    Yes, I think I would make that jump in my life because it’s not worth wasting your time on something that you don’t enjoy doing. In the end, it will be worth all the struggle. 🙂
  5. What would your perfect weekend look like? 
    My perfect weekend is laying on the couch with some snacks(Cookies, Chocolate, and Popcorn) and binge-watching my favorite tv shows.
  6. If you could go anywhere in the world for a week (and money were not an issue), where would you go and with whom? 
    I’ve always wanted to visit London alone. Ah, just thinking about it makes me smile!
  7. In your group of close friends, are you the type to plan get-togethers or are you comfortable with letting others decide? 
    It depends on my mood, really. Most of the time, I don’t take the initiative to plan such events.
  8. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
    When I was a kid, I wanted to be an Air Hostess for Emirates Airlines because of their beautiful, sophisticated uniform.
  9. Your favorite childhood movie was?
    To be honest, I have many favorites. But, if I had to choose one, it would be The Lion King!
  10. Are you a risk taker? Why or why not?
    Not really, I usually opt for the safer options because I’m afraid of things not going the way they were supposed to. However, there are a few times where I have been quite risky and taken my chances.
  11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    Hm, that’s a difficult question to answer. I think that all my hard work and hours of sleeplessness would’ve paid off, and I’ll be living happily with no worries at all. Also, I will be traveling more often than I am now in hopes of covering the entire world.

Those were some pretty great questions, how did you even come up with them? 😮

Everyone deserves a little sunshine in their life, so I’m going to keep the nominations for this award open. If you’re interested in this award, feel free to let me know in the comments section below! 🙂

My questions for the Nominees:

  1. How do you bring sunshine to someone’s life?
  2. Do you get more satisfaction in giving things or receiving things?
  3. Do you prefer smaller or bigger groups?
  4. If you could swap lives with any famous person, who would it be? And, why?
  5. Which TV show would you binge-watch?
  6. Would you rather travel alone or with your family and friends?
  7. What’s your personality type? (Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert or any other ‘vert’.)
  8. If you could eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  9. Do you practice any sport?
  10. If you were an author, what would you name your book?
  11. Which music genre do you prefer listening to?

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! And, I’m looking forward to reading your answers. 😀

-The Jouska