The Liebster Award-Part 2

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated yet again for the Liebster Award. 


Before I start, I would like to thank Alice Rambles for the nomination. She posts great articles about beauty, food, lifestyle, and much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the questions assigned to you.
  4. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10 deserving bloggers for the award.
  6. Ask 10 questions to your nominees.

Random Facts about myself:

I’m going to skip this part because I’ve shared many facts about myself in my previous posts and I don’t want to bore my readers. 🙂

Answers to Alice’s questions:

  1. What is one TV show that you could watch for hours on end?
    Gilmore Girls! It’s my all-time favorite.
  2. If you could have a brand new car, what color would you like it to be?
    I’d have to choose Electric Blue because even if the car gets old, it still looks brand new because of the vibrant color.
  3. Do you have lots of things on your walls or hardly any?
    To be honest, my wall is filled with frames and posters of my favorite TV shows, bands, movies, and quotes!
  4. Would you rather be rich and stupid or poor and intelligent?
    That’s a good question, but I don’t have a definite answer for that. I think balance is very crucial in one’s life.
  5. Shuffle your entire music library – which song plays first?
    Desire by Years and Years. I love this song, by the way.
  6. What’s your favorite shop to spend ages in?
    Galeries Lafayette is my favorite place to shop at. It’s got great gourmet food, furnishing, clothes, shoes, and much more.
  7. What’s your main guilty pleasure in life?
    I’d say Chocolate. There’s nothing that can beat the yumminess of chocolate.
  8. Have you ever been in love?
    Nope, never have.
  9. What’s your favorite band/musician?
    My favorite band is Twenty One Pilots and my favorite singer is Adele.
  10. What’s the next film you plan to watch?
    Finding Dory! I can’t wait for it to release. 😀

Since this award is about discovering new blogs, I’ve nominated a few bloggers whom I’ve only recently connected with. 🙂 

  1. Donna
  2. Zoyie
  3. Kourtni Reads 
  4. Chic Nerd Reads
  5. TeenBookLit101
  6. Nelly Cherry
  7. Somawrites
  8. Rose Tinted Pics 

Questions for my nominees:

  1. Do you prefer home-cooked meals or take-out meals?
  2. What’s your favorite cuisine?
  3. Do you have a pet? If yes, which animal do you have?
  4. Name any three countries you’re dying to visit.
  5. If you could go see one 80s band/singer live in concert, who would it be?
  6. What’s your favorite clothing item?
  7. What do you regret doing as a child or a teen?
  8. What’s your best personality trait?
  9. Do you prefer traveling alone or along with your family and friends?
  10. Are you more of an e-reader or traditional paperback reader?

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 😀

-The Jouska




  1. Mrs Strawberry Blonde · June 5, 2016

    Congratulations! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads · June 5, 2016

    I love Twenty One Pilots too. Their music is fantastic.
    Thanks so much for the nomination! I’m a bit behind on tags at the moment, but I’ll try to get to it soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. rosetintedpics · June 5, 2016

    Thank you for nominating me! x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. somawrites · June 5, 2016

    Jouska, congratulations!!! Thank you for nominating my blog, I appreciate. xox

    Liked by 1 person

  5. martinarg · June 5, 2016


    Liked by 1 person

  6. ChicNerdReads · June 5, 2016

    Thank you so much for tagging me!!! I believe in balancing life. Good answer for that question!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. nellycherry · June 5, 2016

    Thank you for nominating me

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: The Liebster Award! | Rosetintedpics
  9. Donna · June 5, 2016

    Gilmore Girls and chocolate ❤ I recently started watching the show, I finished season 1 this week. It is so addictive that I lost a few hours of reading because of it, haha! I can't stop bothering my friends about it, no one understands what I'm talking about!
    Thanks so much for the nomination! I will answer your questions on my next Sunday tag 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • thejouskablog · June 5, 2016

      It’s so addictive! Haha, I’m glad you’re enjoying the show. I’m currently doing a re-run of Gilmore Girls, and it’s so much fun. 😀
      You’re welcome! I’m looking forward to reading your answers. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. alicerambles · June 5, 2016

    Awwh thanks for the lovely mention! Loved reading your answers by the way. I’m also a big Adele fan, and I love Years and Years too! Hope you enjoyed it x

    Liked by 1 person

  11. K.M. Sutton · June 8, 2016


    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: The Liebster Award|TeenBookLit101 – TeenBookLit101
  13. Pingback: The Leibster Award|TeenBookLit101 – TeenBookLit101
  14. TeenBookLit101 · June 18, 2016

    Thanks for the tag. I have finally managed to do this nowxx thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: The Liebster Award – Kourtni Reads

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