The Sunshine Blogger Award-Part 5

Hi, everyone! 🙂


I’ve been nominated yet again for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I would like to thank Jenna@BookmarkYourThoughts for nominating me. She writes great posts related to books and more. Do visit her blog! 😀

Let’s get started!

  1. What’s your favourite book from your childhood?

    Harry Potter, hands down.

  2. From the best of your knowledge, what is your favourite childhood memory?

    My favourite childhood memory as far as I can remember is a Barbie contest that I had participated in along with my mom. This memory is so vivid in my mind because of the numerous photos that are stored in my album.

  3. What was your favourite subject in school? Why?

    My favourite subject in school was English Literature and Computer Technology. I never got bored of learning new things in these classes.

  4. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to come back as?

    That’s an interesting question! I think I would like to reincarnate as a bird (as weird as it sounds) because I love travelling and exploring new places.

  5. Name one reason why you would want to teleport to the future? What do you think it will behold?

    I’m loving the questions, haha. What would be most interesting about teleporting to the future is to gain an insight on what the future holds for me and who still exists in my life. It might be scary to know what’s going to happen to you, but it would be exciting at the same time.

  6. Who is your favourite hero/heroine in YA literature?

    Oh, that’s a tough one. I have so many favourite YA characters and the list is pretty much endless. If I had to choose one, the hero would be Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower and heroine would be Caddy from Beautiful Broken Things.

  7. You’ve won a million dollars; what’s the very first thing you do with the money?

    Travel! I haven’t travelled to a lot of the places mentioned on my bucket list, so I would definitely spend the money there.

  8. It’s movie watching time; what’s your favourite movie genre that you’re most likely going to watch? Do you have a favourite movie?

    I enjoy watching a lot of movie genres, but my favourites are Sci-Fi and Animated movies. The one movie that I can watch over and over again is Big Hero 6!

  9. You can instantly travel to anywhere in the world; where are you travelling to? Why?

    I would love to travel to Norway just so I can experience the Northern Lights. ❤

  10. You find a genie (with no restrictions) and are the lucky one to have three of your wishes granted; what are they?

    I would wish to get my dream job, unlimited books, and always be able to bring a smile to someone’s face.

  11. What book series or standalone novel would you recommend/do recommend to anyone? Why?

    There are so many books that I have in mind. Some of them are:

  • To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
  • Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Bernard
  • When We Collided by Emery Lord
  • The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 😀


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The Sunshine Blogger Award-Part 4

Hi, everyone! 🙂


I’ve been nominated yet again for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Alex Charming! Thank you for nominating me. She posts a lot of fun things on her blog. Do visit her blog! 😀

Let’s get started:

  1. What is your favorite part of blogging?

    Image result for blog gifBlogging gives me a platform to feel free and write on topics that I am passionate about. Plus, it helps me connect with some amazing people!

  2. Do you like to read? Why?

    Image result for i love reading gif
    YES! I love reading because it broadens my perspective and relaxes my mind.

  3. What is your favorite song?

    Image result for the night we met lord huron gif
    That’s a difficult one to answer. Currently, I’m listening to The Night We Met by Lord Huron on repeat. Yes, 13 Reasons Why introduced me to this beautiful song!

  4. What is your OTP?

    Image result for i ship it gif
    I have so many in mind! Betty and Jughead from Riverdale, Rory and Dean from Gilmore Girls, Lucas and Peyton from One Tree Hill and the list is pretty much endless.

  5. What is your NOTP?

    Honestly, I don’t know…

  6. What/Who is your spirit animal?

    I didn’t really know the answer to this question, so I took a quiz…I got the wolf.

  7. If you could have one famous author (living or other-wise) to write your biography, who would you choose and why?

    Image result for rainbow rowell gif
    I would choose Rainbow Rowell because I really love her witty style of writing.

  8. Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?

    Image result for wheel of fortune gif
    Wheel of Fortune.

  9. Who is your favorite villain of all time?

    Image result for cruella de vil gif
    Cruella de Vil.

  10. Do you like Disney?

    I think you mean love, haha. I absolutely love Disney! It brings me back to my childhood and never fails to bring a smile on my face.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! 


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The Ultimate Book Tag

Hi, everyone! 🙂


I saw this tag the other day on thriceread and decided to give it a go! Do visit their blog, they post great book reviews and tags. 😀

Let’s get started!


    Not really. In fact, I read very often in the car.


    This is a difficult one to answer because I love a lot of authors’ writing style’s. They are all unique and special in their own way. 🙂


    Harry Potter, definitely! Well, I’ve always been a fan of J.K. Rowling writing. Secondly, I love the character portrayal in all of the books. Lastly, it reminds me of my childhood.


    I rarely carry a book bag. When I do carry one, I usually have my book, water bottle, a light snack, and other essentials.


    I would be lying if I said no…


    I don’t mind either, to be honest.


    Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell.


    Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.


    Luckily, my parents encouraged me to start reading books from a very young age which helped me to develop an interest in reading books of different genres.


    To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.


    English and computer programming.


    I would definitely donate it to a non-profit organization.


    Ethereal; extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.


    This completely depends on my mood. Sometimes, I’m totally in for a cheesy romance novel and someday’s I prefer reading something more exciting and thrilling.

I nominate everyone! Feel free to drop a link to your answers in the comments section below. 😀

I hope you enjoyed reading this post!


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The Mystery Blogger Award

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award.


I would like to thank emiliajayne and fadedrouge for nominating me. They post great articles on their blog. Do visit both of their blogs! 😀

Answers to Emilia’s questions:
  1. What’s your hobby?
    I enjoy blogging (of course), reading fictional books, painting, cooking, binge-watching TV shows, and baking!
  2. Why do you love blogging?
    I love blogging because it gives me a platform where I can truly be myself and express my opinions freely without feeling judged in any way. Plus, I’ve met some amazing people here.
  3. Why did you start blogging?
    Well, I was considering the idea of blogging for a very long time, but I never had the confidence to get started. But! Last year, in March, I decided that it was time I gave it a shot and overcome my fear of blogging. I’m glad that I took that decision.
  4. What’s your dream job?
    I aspire to become a Marketing Director of a leading fashion company.
  5. What’s your favourite thing to do?
    My favourite thing to do apart from my hobbies is to be able to bring a smile on someone’s face. 🙂
Answers to fadedrouge’s questions:
  1. Winter or Summer?
    Winter! I love the dark, cloudy days.
  2. Hot chocolate or tea?
    Hot chocolate for the win.
  3. Earphones or headphones?
    I prefer headphones because my ears hurt when I listen to music using earphones. Plus, headphones erase all the background noise. 😉
  4. 3 things you would take to a deserted island. (A person does not count!)
    That’s is a hard question to answer, haha. Well, I do need clothes, food, and water to survive…Apart from the obvious, I guess I would take my laptop, pillow, and a book.
  5. Short or long hair?
    I’ve always had long hair, but I guess it would be nice to try out short hair.
  1. What’s your best quality?
  2. What’s your worst quality?
  3. What’s the best excuse that you’ve ever made to get out of a meeting/event/party?
  4. Would you rather have the ability to become invisible or have an invincible strength?
  5. Are you fond of pets?

I nominate everyone! Feel free to post a link to your answers in the comments section below. 😀


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The Sunshine Blogger Award-Part 3

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated yet again for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

Many thanks to 
Renate @popcornandfilm for nominating me! She posts great stuff about movies, tv shows, and so much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

Let’s get started!

  1. If you could live in any country, which one would it be?

    I would love to live in England, London to be specific. There’s something about this city that makes me feel happy.

  2. Which movie are you most looking forward to watching at the cinema this year?

    So many of them! Some of the movies that I’m really excited for are…
    a) Beauty and the Beast
    b) Logan
    c) Wonder Woman

  3. If you could discuss one movie with a producer or actor, who would it be and which movie would you discuss?

    I would discuss a movie with Lauren Graham! I’m not sure of the movie, but we’d definitely discuss a movie from the comedy genre because she’s got a lively and witty personality.

  4. In which Hogwarts house do you belong? 


  5. Which is your favorite TV-Show atm?

    The Flash! I am definitely hooked, haha.

  6. If you could write a book about yourself, what would the title be?

    That’s a great question. Given the opportunity, I would love to write a book about myself. I’m pretty sure the title would be something unexpected, but I can’t think of anything right now. (This is what lack of sleep does to your brain…)

  7.  If you could go back to the past and change something in your life, what would it be? (but be warned that changing history can be very dangerous)

    I love how you’ve inserted a warning there, haha. Well, I would definitely erase all the mistakes I’ve made in life. Undoubtedly, we all make mistakes and that’s what makes life so interesting, but there remains a sense of regret of not being able to make things right.

  8. Would you rather go to HogwartsXavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters or Starfleet Academy?

    Hogwarts for life!

  9. Best thing that will happen in 2017?

    Increasing my productivity levels!

  10. The best food from your country that you would recommend everyone to try?

    Well, I love trying out new varieties of food. Here are some of my favourites that I would recommend everyone to try:

    a) Italian cuisine-Pesto Pasta
    b) Indian cuisine-Biryani
    c) French cuisine-Cheese Panini

  11. Which movie should everyone watch right now and why?

Questions for my nominees:

  1. What’s your personality type?
  2. What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?
  3. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
  4. If you could have one superpower, which one would it be? And, why?
  5. What song are you currently listening to on repeat?
  6. Who’s your favorite actor/actress?
  7. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
  8. Would you rather cook your own meals or just get take out?

I nominate everyone! If you decide to accept this award, feel free to drop a link to your answers in the comments section below. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! 😀



Celebrating The Little Things Tag

Hi, everyone! 🙂


There’s only a day left for the year to end, and I thought this tag would be a good way to end the year on a happy note. Thanks to Louise @geniereads for tagging all her readers. 🙂

Let’s get this party started!

  1. Who was your very first follower (if you can find out)? 

    I honestly don’t remember who followed my blog first, but whoever it is, thank you for bringing a smile to my face!

  2. What was the last milestone you reached?

    The last milestone I reached was 700 followers earlier this month! It would not have been possible to achieve this wonderful milestone without the support of my lovely readers.

  3. What was the very first post your posted on your blog? Share it with us, if you can find out!

    My very first post was an introduction to my blog. You can find it here.

  4. Who was your most recent follower? 

    My most recent follower was funfashionfreedom.

  5. What was the last post you posted and who was the first person who took their time to click the like button? 

    The last post I posted was a book review on Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton. You can find the full review here. Uh…I don’t really remember who liked this post first. But, thanks to all the readers who took the time to read and like my post! 🙂

  6. How many months have you been blogging for?

    Nine months!

  7. Do you have any bloggers you’re friends with? 

    Of course, I’m friends with many bloggers! I honestly don’t know what I would do without their support. They have given me a sense of belonging in the blogging community, which I highly appreciate!

  8. Who originally created the last tag or meme you participated in?

    I haven’t participated in a tag since a long time now. However, the last tag I participated in was The Travel Tag. Unfortunately, I don’t know who originally created this tag, but whoever did, I love the idea! 🙂

  9. Have you got any social media related to your blog?

    Yes, I most definitely do! I’d love to connect with my readers on the following social media platforms:

  10. Last but not least, give thanks to all your followers! 

    Saying thank you isn’t enough for all the support and motivation my readers have given me this year. All of you have made my blogging journey far more enjoyable and smooth! I love each and every one of my readers who take out the time to read my posts because that motivates me to post something new every day. I think that the best decision I’ve made this year was to start my own blog because it has opened up a new world for me where I can truly express myself and connect with like-minded people. THANK YOUUU! 😀

I tag everybody! If you decide to do this tag, feel free to drop a link in the comments section below. I’d love to read your answers!

What’s your 2016 highlight? Let me know in the comments section below. 😀


The Travel Tag

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been tagged for the Travel tag.


Before I start, I would like to thank K.M. Sutton for tagging me. She posts great articles and tags. Do visit her blog! 😀

Let’s get started:

  1. You are leaving tomorrow to start a life in a new country, where would you go? 

    Image result for londonI think it would be nice to start a new life in London because it’s a beautiful place.

  2. You can take someone for a weekend away to the place you had the best holidays ever, where would that be and who would you take to go with you? 

    Image result for switzerlandI would have to choose Switzerland. I love the mountains, the greenery, the snow and everything about this place. Plus, the atmosphere is very relaxing which is perfect for a weekend getaway.

  3. You can get married wherever you want to, your budget is limitless, what is your choice?

    Image result for bora boraBora Bora! It’d be perfect to have a beach wedding over there. The breathtaking pictures make me fall in love with this place even more. *sigh*

  4. During your travels you can bring back home one animal as a pet, which one would you pick?

    Image result for rabbit gifRabbits, because they’re cute and fluffy.

  5. You can get back in time and relive one family trip, which one?

    Image result for singapore skylineOur trip to Singapore holds a very special place in my heart because it is far by the most enjoyable trip we’ve had together as a family. It would be amazing to relive the trip all over again.

  6. What is the first thing you would pack for a one year travel around the world? 

    Image result for camera gif tumblrThe first thing to go in my bag whenever I travel is my camera. I enjoy capturing all the moments because it’s fun to see all the memories in the future!

  7. What would your fantasy 100th birthday destination be, and why?

    Oh, wow. There’s a long way to go for that, but some place relaxing would be great.

  8. During your travel you can learn one sport to become a pro, what would that be? 

    Image result for i am free gifSkiing! There’s something satisfying and freeing about being able to ski through the snow filled mountains.


I tag everyone! If you decide to do this tag, feel free to drop a link to your answers in the comments section below. I’d love to read them. 🙂

I had lots of fun answering these questions since I love traveling and discovering new places. I hope you enjoyed reading my answers!


The Stationery Book Tag

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been tagged for the Stationery Book Tag.


Before I start, I would like to thank Jasmine @howusefulitis for tagging me. She posts great book review and tags. Do visit her blog! 😀

Let’s get started:

  1. Pencils || Favorite MG or children’s book

    Matilda by Roald Dahl.
    I would write Harry Potter, but I believe that it’s fun for readers of all ages and not only children!

  2. Pens || A basic staple for any reader

    Definitely, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. If you haven’t already read this book, please read it as soon as you can. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

  3. Notebooks || What books do you own multiple copies of

    I usually don’t prefer keeping two copies of the same book due to lack of space on my bookshelf, unless it’s an extraordinary limited edition that I cannot resist buying.

  4. Markers || A book with a beautiful cover

    Image result for beautiful broken thingsI love the color and golden detailing of this book cover. It looks so pretty!

  5. Glue || Two characters that work well together even if they aren’t together

    If they aren’t together? That’s a hard one to think about… because most of the characters who work well end up getting together as per my predictions…

  6. Art kit || What completed series do you own

    a. Harry Potter

    b. The Hunger Games

    c. Divergent


I nominate all the book lovers! Feel free to post a link to your answers in the comments section below. I’d love to read them. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 


First Q&A!


Earlier this month, I reached my 5th milestone thanks to my lovely readers! And, to celebrate that achievement, I decided to host my very first Q&A. Once again, thank you so much for sending in your questions. I really appreciate it! 😀

  1. What do you absolutely love to do besides reading & blogging? (Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books)
    I love to multi-task and try my hand at new things! Apart from reading books and blogging, I like to:
    -Watch TV Shows
  2. What is your favourite T.V. show? Or the T.V. series that you would recommend your readers? (Zainab Sheikh)
    Oh, I have so many favourite TV shows. My top 3 favourites are:
    a) Gilmore Girls: I would recommend this show to all the daughters and mothers out there. It’ll help you learn a lot more about the reality of life.
    b) New Girl: I would recommend this show to all the guys and girls who are looking for something more laid-back and fun to watch.
    c) Friends: I don’t think there’s anything better than binge-watching Friends, haha.
  3. What do you aspire to be when you’re older? (Teenella)
    I’ve always wanted to do something creative as well as intellectual. I aspire to become a Marketing Director of a major fashion company someday in the future.
  4. Do you have any tips or advice for new bloggers? (Kathy @ Bookish Shelves)
    Of course, I would definitely recommend new bloggers to publish new posts as frequently as possible. I know it can be hard, but try to be as consistent as possible. Secondly, love what you do. Don’t blog about things that you don’t enjoy writing about. Instead, write about topics you love!
  5. What is an unpopular opinion that you have regarding books? (Kathy @ Bookish Shelves)
    This might not be an unpopular opinion, but my opinion on books is that they help you gain a broader insight on life.
  6. What’s your favourite season? (Donna)
    Winter! I always get excited when I see rain and snow. Also, I love wearing warm clothes and snuggling up in my blanket with a cup of hot chocolate.
  7. Do you read magazines? (Donna)
    Yes, I do enjoy reading magazines. I usually read Vogue and Elle because they have good articles on fashion, lifestyle, and home decor.
  8. What’s your favorite TV channel? (Donna)
    To be honest, I don’t watch much of TV. I usually watch TV shows and movies on my laptop.
  9. What is your favorite trope? (ChicNerdReads)
    Haha, I hope this isn’t weird…but I kind of like it when the boy loves the girl but doesn’t want to show it so he acts super nonchalant. Or, when the girl loves the boy but doesn’t want to show it so she straight up ignores him. I would definitely not enjoy this in reality.
  10. What do you love most about blogging? (ChicNerdReads)
    There’s a lot to love about blogging. Firstly, I get to express myself freely on a wide platform. Secondly, I get an opportunity to engage with other amazing bloggers and exchange opinions with them. Last but not least, it helps me de-stress.
  11. How do you keep up with that many followers? (TeacherofYA)
    Well, I just go with the flow. I try my best to post articles that are interesting, informative, and entertaining so that I can engage with my readers.

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 🙂



The Book Blogger Insider Tag

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been tagged for the Book Blogger Insider Tag. 


Before I start, I would like to thank Jasmine @howusefulitis for the nomination. She posts great book reviews and tags. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Answer the questions below
  2. Credit the creator: Jamie @ A Little Slice of Jamie
  3. Tag at least 5 people
  4. Have fun!

Answers to the Questions:

  1. Where do you typically write your blog posts?
    Mostly on my desk, and sometimes on my bed.
  2. How long does it generally take you to write a book review?
    Well, that really depends on how much I enjoyed reading the book. It takes me about 1-2 hours.
  3. When did you start your book blog?
    I post a lot of articles on different topics including books. But, I did start blogging in March this year.
  4. What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
    Uhhh…I can’t really think of anything.
  5. What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?
    The best thing about having a book blog is that you get to exchange your opinions with different book bloggers.
  6. What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?
    I really enjoy writing my monthly favourites because it’s a great way to recap all the fun things I experienced during the month.
  7. What is your favorite type of blog post to write?
    Haha, that’s a difficult one to answer. I enjoy writing all my posts because they’re related to topics that I’m really interested in.
  8. When do you typically write?
    I usually write my posts in the evening.
  9. Do you review every book you read?
    Mostly, yes. However, I do tend to avoid writing reviews on books that I didn’t really enjoy reading.
  10. How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?
    I write my book reviews with a cup of coffee on my desk because it helps me concentrate better.
  11. When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?
    Since I’m a quick reader, the number of books I read are comparatively more than the number of book reviews I write.
  12. How often do you post?
    I try to post as frequently as possible!


  1. Beth @readingeverynight
  2. mayathebookexplorer
  3. mysterydatewithabook
  4. Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books
  5. youngadultfictionreviews
  6. Kourtni @kourtnireads
  7. bookslayerreads
  8. TeacherofYA
  9. Kathy @bookishshelves
  10. Sammie @bookshelvesandbiros
  11. Melissa @booknerdmomo
  12. Anyone who’s interested in doing the tag!

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! I’m looking forward to reading your answers. 😀
