
I celebrated my 10th milestone recently and asked my lovely readers to post their favourite quotes in the comments section as a way to celebrate the achievement! 😀

Image result for amazing gif

Here we go: 

  • Sarah Alengton
    “Most writers regard the truth as their most valuable possession, and therefore are most economical in its use.” -Mark Twain
  • theorangutanlibrarian
    “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by” -Douglas Adams
  • Hannah Garner
    “And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” -Mark Anthony
    “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” -Jane Austen
  • Urban Tutu
    “When women see me, they wanna be me”
  • Sonia Aicha
    “I like my money right where I can see it…Hanging in my closet” -Sarah Jessica Parker
  • K.M. Sutton
    “Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly—they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.” -Aldous Huxley”Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” -Rumi”I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean
  • Renate
    “Riddle me this, Riddle me that, Who’s afraid of the big black bat?” -Riddler
  • icebreaker694
    “Never trust a duck.” -Will Herondale
  • Luna
    “My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice” -Newt Scamander
    “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” -Dalai Lama
  • Inge
    “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.” -JK Rowling
  • sophiethestark
    “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it” -Toni Morrison

Thank you so much for sending in your favourite quotes! I’m a huge fan of quotes and some of these quotes are really wonderful and deserve a space on my wall, haha. 🙂


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3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 3


Quote of the day:

Why I love this quote? 

A lot of us are afraid to speak our mind simply because we are cautious about what other people will think. However, I’ve realized that the best thing you can do is to be yourself and speak your mind because that way, you’ll be able to make new friends who accept you for who you are without any judgement. Speaking from the point of view of fandoms, you should be proud of the fandoms you enjoy being in. Remember, it doesn’t matter what other people think as long as it brings a smile to your face! It’s not uncommon to see people judging others based on their taste in music, TV shows, books, and so on. However, we must realize that we live in a diverse world, and we should appreciate the differences in people rather than judging them for it. Anyway, the point is:

  1. Speak your mind! Don’t be afraid. 
  2. Be a proud fangirl/fanboy!
  3. Be unapologetic because you are entitled to have your own likes and dislikes. 

Since it’s the last day of the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge, I want to know your favourite book quotes! Feel free to share your choice of quotes in the comments section below. 😀




3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 3

3 days

Today’s Quote:

Image result for michelle obama quotes

Why I love this quote? 

I’ve always been a fan of Michelle Obama because she has a charmingly positive personality. I like a lot of her quotes, but this has got to be my favourite one. We often stay away from making any decisions simply because we are afraid of their outcomes. In addition to that, fear takes over our ability to think and be decisive. How many times have you feared the consequences of taking a particular decision? I know I have. However, I’ve realized that there is no need to be afraid of taking decisions because there is no right or wrong decision in this world. If things work out for you, then great you’re on the right path. On the other hand, if things don’t go as expected, that’s okay because you’ll learn from your mistakes. Therefore, believe in yourself and take the plunge!

What are your thoughts on this quote? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. 😀

-The Jouska

3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 2

3 days

Today’s Quote:

Image result for if you read more, you live more quote

Why I love this quote? 

I have to admit that I used to love reading Dr. Seuss books as a child because of the funny illustrations and the funky fonts. I believe that books have the ability to endow us with a lot of knowledge and facts irrespective of their genres. When we read books, we get a chance to broaden our horizon. We develop a positive pattern of thinking which motivates us to explore more about the world in general. Anyone for that matter can pick up a book of their interest so that they can gain a wider perspective be it arts, sciences, language, business, education, sports, fashion, movies and so on. In conclusion, I believe reading books is vital for our well-being.

What are your thoughts on this quote? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. 😀

-The Jouska

3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 1

Hi, everyone!🙂

I’ve been nominated for the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge yet again. Since I love quotes, I’m quite excited about this challenge. 

3 days

Before I start, I would like to thank justgeeklyfab and mayathebookexplorer  for the nomination. If you like posts that are creative and inspiring, then you should give these blogs a follow. 😀

Today’s Quote: 

Image result for motivational quotes tumblr

Why I love this quote? 

This is one of my favourite motivational quotes that I have framed in my bedroom. Generally speaking, this quote inspires me to become an achiever and to think positively. It reminds me that saying “I can’t do this!” is not an option. We should develop a mindset wherein we can accept challenges openly irrespective of their outcomes. When it comes to our individual and unique dreams, we shouldn’t just keep it as a ‘dream’ rather we should work hard and jot down a plan that will help us move step by step towards achieving our dreams and aspirations. If you are persistent and optimistic, you’re already one step ahead towards converting your dreams into reality. I hope this quote comes to your advantage!


If you’re interested in accepting this challenge, feel free to let me know in the comments section below!

What are your thoughts on this quote? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. 😀


Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the brave fathers out there!

My father is a courageous and hard-working man. He always makes sure to fulfil his family duties and ensures that we are all happy. Despite facing a few struggles here and there, he never gave up. He fought because he believed that taking care of his family was his prime responsibility, and I appreciate him for that. 

As a child, we used to spend a lot of time together, playing games, sports and doing other fun things. As I grew up, I admired my father’s work ethic and punctuality. No matter how tired or stressed he is, he’ll keep going. He always says, “The golden fruit you bear is the result of all your hard work. There’s a time for everything.” 
The one father-daughter bonding thing that we do is giving life advice to each other. He does most of the work, but I contribute a little too, haha. I can proudly say that his advice has helped me so far in life and I’m sure it will be of greater help in the future. 🙂

Sure, we argue sometimes about irrelevant things like ‘Going to the dealer is such a rip-off’ and ‘I could’ve done that for you’ and so on. But, in the end, we forgive each other and just go back to the way things were. 

Undoubtedly, I love a lot of things about my father. However, if I had to choose what I love most about him, it would be his determination and hard-working personality. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me, dad. I love you!

What do you love most about your father? Share your thoughts with me in the comments section below. 😀

-The Jouska

Style Sense-Smart Professional Wear


Sometimes, I like to spice it up a little by wearing something smart and professional. The first color combination that comes to my mind is Black and White, which can never go wrong! 

The above set contains the following items:

  1. Striped Sleeveless Peplum Top. This top looks so beautiful and chic, and it matches perfectly with the black skirt.
  2. Black Pencil Skirt. I don’t wear pencil skirts very often, but when I do, I like to wear it right. A simple skirt can look great if you match it with the right top and accessories.
  3. Floral Embellished Sandals. These sandals complement the outfit well and also, look very pretty.
  4. Floral Print Handbag. There’s no doubt that we all have stuff that we carry around with us everywhere we go. This spacious and stylish handbag is perfect for that!
  5. Marc Jacobs Rose Gold Watch. I adore the belt and dial of this watch, it goes well with any outfit, especially this one.
  6. Shine Black Earrings. It’s always a good choice to wear small earrings with a formal outfit because it looks more elegant and posh.

I hope you liked my ‘Smart Professional Wear’ set!
What’s your favorite smart/professional color combination? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂

-The Jouska

The Liebster Award-Part 2

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated yet again for the Liebster Award. 


Before I start, I would like to thank Alice Rambles for the nomination. She posts great articles about beauty, food, lifestyle, and much more. Do visit her blog! 😀

The Rules:

  1. Post the award on your blog.
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Answer the questions assigned to you.
  4. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10 deserving bloggers for the award.
  6. Ask 10 questions to your nominees.

Random Facts about myself:

I’m going to skip this part because I’ve shared many facts about myself in my previous posts and I don’t want to bore my readers. 🙂

Answers to Alice’s questions:

  1. What is one TV show that you could watch for hours on end?
    Gilmore Girls! It’s my all-time favorite.
  2. If you could have a brand new car, what color would you like it to be?
    I’d have to choose Electric Blue because even if the car gets old, it still looks brand new because of the vibrant color.
  3. Do you have lots of things on your walls or hardly any?
    To be honest, my wall is filled with frames and posters of my favorite TV shows, bands, movies, and quotes!
  4. Would you rather be rich and stupid or poor and intelligent?
    That’s a good question, but I don’t have a definite answer for that. I think balance is very crucial in one’s life.
  5. Shuffle your entire music library – which song plays first?
    Desire by Years and Years. I love this song, by the way.
  6. What’s your favorite shop to spend ages in?
    Galeries Lafayette is my favorite place to shop at. It’s got great gourmet food, furnishing, clothes, shoes, and much more.
  7. What’s your main guilty pleasure in life?
    I’d say Chocolate. There’s nothing that can beat the yumminess of chocolate.
  8. Have you ever been in love?
    Nope, never have.
  9. What’s your favorite band/musician?
    My favorite band is Twenty One Pilots and my favorite singer is Adele.
  10. What’s the next film you plan to watch?
    Finding Dory! I can’t wait for it to release. 😀

Since this award is about discovering new blogs, I’ve nominated a few bloggers whom I’ve only recently connected with. 🙂 

  1. Donna
  2. Zoyie
  3. Kourtni Reads 
  4. Chic Nerd Reads
  5. TeenBookLit101
  6. Nelly Cherry
  7. Somawrites
  8. Rose Tinted Pics 

Questions for my nominees:

  1. Do you prefer home-cooked meals or take-out meals?
  2. What’s your favorite cuisine?
  3. Do you have a pet? If yes, which animal do you have?
  4. Name any three countries you’re dying to visit.
  5. If you could go see one 80s band/singer live in concert, who would it be?
  6. What’s your favorite clothing item?
  7. What do you regret doing as a child or a teen?
  8. What’s your best personality trait?
  9. Do you prefer traveling alone or along with your family and friends?
  10. Are you more of an e-reader or traditional paperback reader?

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers! 😀

-The Jouska



3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 3

I’m not going to lie, choosing only three of my favorite quotes has been quite challenging for me.

Since it’s my last day of doing the challenge, I’ve saved the best quote for the last! 
Today’s Quote:

Why I love this quote?
We all have dreams that we want to achieve sooner or later in life. While some people keep dreaming, others take a step forward to turn their dreams into reality. Diligence, perseverance, and commitment is all you need to achieve your dreams. It may not necessarily be as big as someone else’s dream, but it is as important as any other dream. Never underestimate the power of your mind, it can do wonders! There are many examples of famous as well as ordinary people who have gone a long way to come where they are today. Consider your favorite idol’s journey, it wasn’t smooth, was it?
I won’t hide the fact that there will be many ups and downs while you’re on your way to making your dreams come true, but in the end, it will all be worth it! 😀

As I said earlier, if you’re interested in doing the challenge, feel free to let me know in the comments section below.

What are your thoughts on dreams? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. 🙂

-The Jouska


3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 2

Today’s Quote:

Why I love this Quote?
“You should talk more!” “You seem bored.”
It’s not uncommon for us introverts to hear such statements. Most people consider introverts or quiet people to be a drab. But, we’re not that boring! The thing is, most of the time, we’re preoccupied with anxious thoughts flooding in our brain. Hence, we don’t interact much with the people around us because we’re afraid that we might say something awkward. We prefer thinking rather than speaking ourselves out, and that’s perfectly okay. We also have control over what we speak, thank god for that. Moreover, I’ve noticed that a lot of quiet people are either very creative or logical. When it comes to socialising, quiet people prefer deep conversations over small talk. Remember, even if we’re quiet, we’re silently observing every move that you make, haha. 😉

As I said earlier, if you’re interested in doing the challenge, feel free to let me know in the comments section below. 

What are your thoughts on this quote? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. 🙂

-The Jouska