Simple Home Decor Ideas

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I personally enjoy purchasing home decor items because they can instantly change the vibes in a room. Most people have the idea that renovating your home can be such a tedious and costly task, but it can certainly be made simple and economical!

There are many ways in which you can completely transform the look of your home and today I’m going to share some of those tips with you. 🙂

  1. Plants
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    Source: Tumblr

    Plants are a great way to increase the positive vibes in your home. You can either have plants placed on a shelf or hang them.

  2. Fairy Lights
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    Source: Pinterest

    I absolutely adore fairy lights because they look so pretty and can instantly light up a room. (Both figuratively and literally, haha)

  3. Frames
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    Source: Tumblr

    I have a lot of photo frames on my wall and they not only look good but they also bring back good memories. 🙂

  4. Stencils
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    Source: Etsy

    This is a great way to decorate your walls. There are different types of stencils available in the market, but from my experience, the peel off sticker ones are the easiest and most economical ones to use!

  5. Curtains

    Image result for see through curtainSheer curtains are lightweight and easily available in many stores. Choose a color that matches well with your furniture and wall decor or simply choose a sheer white curtain.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post!  

What’s your favourite home decor item? Let me know in the comments section below. 😀


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Surviving Finals Week

Finals week is almost here and I thought I’d post some tips on how to overcome the stress that most students go through during this hectic week!

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  1. Planning is essential
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    It is very important to prioritize your time and plan your study schedule. I know it’s difficult for a lot of people to actually stick to a schedule, but you can motivate yourself in many ways. One such way is to reward yourself (treat yourself to chocolate maybe?) whenever you achieve a goal.

  2. Take small breaks

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    being a keyword here, haha. It’s not uncommon for us to take a small break and then extend that break for hours. Set a reminder to prevent you from extending your break.

  3. Drink enough water 

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    I cannot stress how important it is to stay hydrated whether studying for finals or not. When you study, your brain absorbs a lot of water and if you don’t drink enough water, you can get severe headaches and even feel sleepy.

  4. Avoid social media

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    Social media has taken over our lives and it’s natural for us to keep checking our phones every now and then. To avoid this, log out of all your social media accounts so that you are not tempted to use your phone.

  5. Get enough sleep

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    Sleep is for the weak! No, not really. It has been scientifically proven that if you don’t sleep enough, you tend to forget things and your productivity levels decrease tremendously. Hence, pulling all-nighters isn’t such a good idea.

  6. Eat brain foods

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    Having sweet treats is not a crime, but try to balance it out by snacking on healthy foods.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Good luck! 😀


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Appreciate Yourself

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It’s not unrealistic for some people to admit that they tend to appreciate others’ for the contribution they have made to this world but rarely take the time to appreciate themselves for the work they’ve done. There is definitely a thin line between appreciating yourself and being borderline pompous. When it comes to self-appreciation, don’t feel weird to pat yourself on the back every once in a while you achieve something that you’ve been working so hard for. I’m saying this from my own experience because just the other day, I was thinking how I always focus on the things I do wrong and seldom focus on the things that I’ve accomplished.

Anyway, here are a few tips on how to appreciate yourself:

  1. Think about all the things you’ve done this week:

    Sit, relax, and look back at all the good/bad things you’ve done this week. Focus more on the good things and tell yourself that you’ve earned this. However, this doesn’t mean that you neglect the bad things, just look at it from a different perspective. 🙂

  2. Treat yourself:

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    Feel like you’ve actually done something to take your lie one step further? Treat yourself to some ice cream! (That’s what I do, haha)

  3. When someone appreciates you for your work, thank them:

    Now, this happens way too often to me. When someone compliments me for my work, I tend to brush it off and say “It was no big deal, really.” But, in reality, it is a big deal otherwise why would someone compliment you in the first place…Hmm…

I hope you enjoyed reading this post! 

What are your thoughts on appreciating yourself? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂


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DIY Turmeric Face Mask

This simple DIY face mask will give your face a fresh and youthful look! Apart from giving a nice glow to your skin, turmeric also has anti-bacterial properties that helps remove acne. 



  • Turmeric- 1/2 teaspoon
  • Rose Water as needed
  • Milk Powder- 1 tablespoon
  • Oats- 1 tablespoon
  1. Take a bowl and add the turmeric, milk powder, and oats.
  2. Slowly pour some rose water and mix until the mixture has a paste-like consistency.
  3. Use a brush to apply the paste evenly on your face.
  4. Keep it on for about 15 minutes until the paste dries up.
  5. Scrub the mask off your face.
  6. Wash your face thoroughly with water to clean off the remaining mask.
  7. After you dry your face, apply a toner to soothe your skin.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

Do you enjoy applying face masks? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂


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Organizing Scarves


I love wearing scarves because they can make anything look stylish and classy, but the only problem is organizing them. Here are some of the most practical ways to organize your scarves:


The pivoting scarf organizer has to be attached inside your cupboard. It comes with several rods on which you can hang your scarves. This method allows you to easily pick the scarf of your choice.


This is personally my favourite way of hanging scarves because it’s easy, smart, and cheap! All you have to do is double fold your scarves and pass them through the circles. If you have a big collection of scarves, then using a circle hanger is a good option.


If you own few scarves, then using compartment drawers may be a good idea. Just roll up your scarves and arrange them by color.

How do you organize your scarves? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂


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What’s Your Skin Type?


A skin type is determined by the overall texture and appearance of one’s skin. There are different types of skin and one of the main reasons you should know your skin type is because it will help you choose the right products for your skin. Here are some of the common skin types:

  1. Normal Skin:

    This type of skin isn’t too oily nor too dry and is not very sensitive. In this case, you have barely visible pores, fairly smooth and glowing skin. For this type of skin, you can use products that are labelled ‘For all types of skin’.

  2. Oily Skin:

    This type of skin tends to become oily and greasy, especially around your nose, cheeks, and forehead. Your face tends to produce more oil than necessary which can produce more blackheads and pimples. For this type of skin, it’s best to use products that have an oil eliminating and cleansing property.

  3. Dry Skin:

    In this case, your skin tends to dry up very quickly and doesn’t maintain the necessary amount of oil which tends to make your skin rough and dull. Your skin also tends to become flaky and itchy from time to time. For this type of skin, it’s best to use products that have a moisturizing property.

  4. Sensitive Skin:

    If your skin is prone to allergies, acne, and other rashes, then you’ve got a sensitive skin. You have to be extremely careful of the products you use or else there may be negative effects. For this type of skin, it’s best to stick to natural and organic products because they contain less chemicals.

  5. Combination Skin:

    If you have a mix of oily and normal skin types, then you’ve got a combination skin. Your T-zone (Forehead, nose, and chin) tends to produce more oil than the rest of your face which makes your face look shiny. Since I have this type of skin, I’ve realized that it’s best to use products that are specially designed for combination skin, especially when it comes to cleansers and toners.

I hope you found this post useful! 

What’s your skin type? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂


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Welcoming 2017!

Happy New Year to everybody! I hope all of you had an enjoyable New Year’s Eve. 😀

It’s not uncommon to hear people say the phrase “New Year, New me” because we all hope for the future year to be better than the previous one. But, how can we as individuals contribute toward a more successful 2017?

  1. Set Realistic New Year Resolutions:

    Most of us set up New Year Resolutions but we fail to keep them realistic. When you set up your new year resolutions, make sure to be as realistic and simple as possible. This way, you won’t feel demotivated because you will *hopefully* be able to achieve your listed resolutions.

  2. Break bad habits:

    Whatever habit it is that you know is bad for you, it’s time to improve! I know, I know…Breaking a habit is hard, but try your best.

  3. Motivate yourself to be more productive:



    It’s always a good idea to increase your productivity levels.

  4. Use a planner:

    I don’t know how many of you do this, but I would encourage all of you to try it out because it’s a fun way to keep track of all the things you have to do. You can even create your own DIY planner. 🙂

  5. Want to achieve your goals? Set your mind to it from day one.

What are your ways of making the new year a successful one? Let me know in the comments section below. 😀


Stress Relievers

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There are times in life when we’re so stressed out that we can’t even think straight. Being a university student, I know how that feels, and it’s right to say that STRESS KILLS! It really does. Every person has a different source of stress be it family pressure, university, parenthood, socializing, and the list goes on, but there are many ways to de-stress yourself! 

Here are some of the best ways to relieve your stress:

  1. Deep Breathing:
    Sit down. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
  2. Dance:
    Let your hair down and dance like no one’s watching.
  3. Take a walk:
    It feels good to go out, get some fresh air, and connect with nature.
  4. Laugh out loud:
    Watch a funny video or talk to someone who makes you laugh. This will instantly make you feel better!
  5. Do what you like:

    Whether it is reading a book, watching a movie, baking, if it makes you happy then do it.
  6. Treat yourself:
    Don’t get me wrong, overeating isn’t a good way to deal with stress. But, having a dessert once in a while doesn’t hurt. 😉

I hope this post helps you get rid of all that toxic stress!

What is your stress reliever? Let me know in the comments section below. 😀


Turn That Frown Upside Down

You know one of those days when you’re feeling sad and you don’t even know why. Well, if you’re feeling that way today, I’m here to bring a smile to your face! 😀

  1. Look at yourself in the mirror and Smile.
    21 Smart Ways To Feel Happier Right Now
  2. Work on something that you love doing, this way you won’t feel unproductive.
  3. Turn up the volume and dance like no one’s watching.
  4. Step away from all the negativity.
    21 Smart Ways To Feel Happier Right Now
  5. Scientists have proved that eating chocolate instantly lifts up your mood.
  6. Go exercise! Sweat your way out of sadness and grief. 
  7. Think about the people who play a positive role in your life. 

I hope these tips are successful in turning your frown upside down!

What do you do to make yourself happy? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂



Best Ways to Remove Makeup

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I always make it a point to clean my face properly before going to bed because I hate sleeping with my makeup on. Some of the reasons why it’s advised not to sleep with your makeup on:
a) It causes the breakdown of healthy collagen, which results in fine lines on your skin.
b) Your pores get clogged.
c) It develops acne-causing bacteria on your skin. This results in more breakouts.
d) It can cause irritation and rashes on your skin.
e) It can result in blackheads and dullness of skin.

Anyway, here are some of the best ways to remove your makeup: 
  1. Baby Wipes:
    If you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, then you should consider using baby wipes to remove your makeup since it is soft and safe to use as it is mainly used for cleaning babies.
  2. Milk:
    Another effective and natural way to remove your makeup is by dabbing some milk onto a cotton pad and rubbing it all over your face. In addition to that, milk also helps smooth your skin.
  3. Coconut Oil: 
    For water-resistant makeup, coconut oil is the best solution as it easily wipes off your makeup without burning or irritating your skin. You can apply it onto a cotton pad or directly apply it using your hands.
  4. Olive Oil:
    If you have dry skin, you can make use of olive oil to remove your makeup because it has softening as well as brightening agents.
  5. Vaseline:
    This is the best way to remove eye makeup because it slides off the mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow easily.

Make sure to clean your face with a cleanser suitable to your skin after using any of these methods. There are many cleansers available in the market for different skin types such as combination skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, oily skin, and so much more!

What do you use to remove your makeup? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂
