The Beauty Blogger Award

Hi, everyone! 😀

I’ve been nominated for the ‘Beauty Blogger Award’.makeup

Before I start, I would like to thank Glamorous_Etoiles for nominating me. If you like makeup and fashion then you should visit her blog. 🙂
Also, I want to thank all my readers who have supported my blog and encouraged me to write more. 

The Rules:

  1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions assigned to you.
  3. Nominate 10 makeup/lifestyle/fashion bloggers.
  4. Frame 10 questions for your nominees.
  5. Inform the nominees about their award nomination.

Now, for the answers to Glamorous_Etoiles’ questions:

  1. Favorite high-end makeup brand and drugstore makeup brand?
    My favorite high-end brand: MAC, they’ve got a wonderful product range.
    Drugstore brand: NYX, I find their products to be of great value for money. 
  2. Favourite Youtuber?
    Zoella, she’s got amazing makeup hauls and tutorials on her youtube channel. 
  3. Liquid, Gel or Pencil eyeliner?
    I’d have to choose Liquid Eyeliner because it is easy to apply and gives a smooth finish.
  4. What is your favourite beauty secret or hack?
    Well, I have a habit of applying vaseline around my nail before applying a coat of nail polish because it avoids the nail paint from sticking to your skin. 
  5. First makeup product you purchased?
    I don’t really remember, but it would have probably been a lipstick.
  6. If you could only use 3 beauty products for the rest of your life, what would they be?
    That’s a difficult question to answer considering the number of makeup products in my drawer. However, if I had to choose only three, I would choose BB Cream, Lipstick, and Eyeliner.
  7. Neutral eyes or bold pop-up colour?
    I prefer neutral eyes.
  8. What is your biggest makeup struggle?
    I think applying eyeliner is the most difficult thing for me.
  9. Do you always take your makeup off every single night?
    Yes, it’s become a habit now. I always make it a point to cleanse off the makeup from my face and then, I apply a face tonic before going to bed.
  10. Favourite liquid foundation?
    MAC! It’s perfect for combination skin.

*Drum Roll Please* I would like to nominate the following bloggers:

Questions for my nominees are:

  1. What’s your favorite makeup brand?
  2. Name any one makeup product that you cannot live without.
  3. What’s your clothing style?
  4. Do you have a specific beauty routine?
  5. Would you rather put on makeup by yourself or go to a parlour instead?
  6. Do you prefer lighter or darker shades of eyeshadow?
  7. Who inspires you the most in the beauty/fashion industry? Why?
  8. If you had to choose between high heels and flats, which one would it be?
  9. When you travel, do you carry a separate makeup pouch with yourself?
  10. Would you ever consider working in the fashion industry?

Congrats to all the nominees! I’m looking forward to reading your answers. 

-The Jouska




  1. Glamorous_Etoiles · April 26, 2016

    Thankyou so much for participating ❤ and lovely answers 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Shopaholicsblog · April 26, 2016

    The Vaseline around the nails is a great tip will try it out! 😘

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Amy · April 26, 2016

    Thank you very much for the nomination!

    Liked by 2 people

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