Riverdale (2017 TV Series)

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I’m sure most of you would have heard of the new show, Riverdale. Just to give you a little background on what the show is about, the show is based on the age-old Archie comics but with a mysterious twist as it starts off with someone’s murder.

Plot Summary:

Archie Andrews starts the school year with the world weighing on his shoulders. He’s he wants to pursue a future in the music business, but his recently ended clandestine relationship with the music teacher has left him without a mentor, and his friendship with Jughead Jones is in a bad place. Things look like they might be turning around when Veronica Lodge, a new girl, arrives. Despite the instant chemistry, Veronica is hesitant to risk a friendship with Betty — who has a crush on Archie — to pursue anything. Amidst all the small-town banality lurks a mystery: the recent tragic death of Jason Blossom, the twin brother of beautiful and popular troublemaker, Cheryl.

IMDb Rating:ย ย 



Archie comics was literally my childhood/teenage days. I was in love with the characters and just the overall idea of the bond that was shared between all the characters. When I heard about Riverdale, I was pretty excited to see what the show had in store for me. I really appreciate the mysterious twist that was added to the lives of the characters because that instantly intensified the show which made it more interesting. ๐Ÿ˜‰

When it comes to character portrayal, I think they’ve done a great job with selecting the cast members because all of them fit the characters’ personality perfectly! It feels as if the characters from the comic book have come to life. To be honest, every episode has an intense scene that just makes you want to watch more. I don’t want to spoil anything for those of you who haven’t watched the show yet. But! If you’re looking for a show that’s a mix of romance, mystery, and friendship, then this is the perfect show for you. ๐Ÿ˜€

Image result for riverdale cast gif

I cannot wait for the new episodes to air because there are so many questions that I have in mind!

What are your thoughts on Riverdale? Share your opinions with me in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ™‚thejouska-2

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Appreciate Yourself

Image result for pat yourself on the back gif

It’s not unrealistic for some people to admit that they tend to appreciate others’ for the contribution they have made to this world but rarely take the time to appreciate themselves for the work they’ve done. There is definitely a thin line between appreciating yourself and being borderline pompous. When it comes to self-appreciation, don’t feel weird to pat yourself on the back every once in a while you achieve something that you’ve been working so hard for. I’m saying this from my own experience because just the other day, I was thinking how I always focus on the things I do wrong and seldom focus on the things that I’ve accomplished.

Anyway, here are a few tips on how to appreciate yourself:

  1. Think about all the things you’ve done this week:

    Sit, relax, and look back at all the good/bad things you’ve done this week. Focus more on the good things and tell yourself that you’ve earned this. However, this doesn’t mean that you neglect the bad things, just look at it from a different perspective. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Treat yourself:

    Image result for treat yourself gif
    Feel like you’ve actually done something to take your lie one step further? Treat yourself to some ice cream! (That’s what I do, haha)

  3. When someone appreciates you for your work, thank them:

    Now, this happens way too often to me. When someone compliments me for my work, I tend to brush it off and say “It was no big deal, really.” But, in reality, it is a big deal otherwise why would someone compliment you in the first place…Hmm…

I hope you enjoyed reading this post!ย 

What are your thoughts on appreciating yourself? Let me know in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ™‚


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Movie Marathon-Sing (2016)

I finally got to watch ‘Sing’ last week and I absolutely adored it!


Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life’s ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world’s greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elephant, a pig, a gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine.


As always, animated movies never fail to bring a smile on my face. The plot of this movie was creatively depicted as the scenes were well developed and transitioned smoothly from one to the next. The story itself is so inspiring for all audiences and especially for children because it reminds them that anything is possible. My favourite thing about the movie was its character portrayal, I loved each and every character’s personality and style.

Life Lessons:

  1. Dream big: Never let anyone bring you down or stop you from dreaming big.
  2. Hard work and perseverance is all you need: If you have the determination to work for your dreams, you will definitely achieve the glorious fruits of your effort.
  3. Team effort:ย We must learn to embrace the differences in people and work as a team to be more successful in accomplishing our tasks.
  4. Pursue your talent: We all have a special talent and irrespective of how big or small you think your talent is, always pursue it and try to make the most of your strength.

Image result for sing movie gif

Overall, this was a great movie and I would definitely recommend it to all the animation movie lovers!

What are your thoughts on Sing? Let me know in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ˜€


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Benefits of Chewing Gum

If there’s one thing I eat every single day, it’s chewing gum. I’ve got a habit of chewing gum after every meal.
I prefer mint flavored gums rather than fruity flavored ones because they’re more refreshing! My favorite gum is Wrigley’s Extra Peppermint flavor.
Apart from refreshment purposes, chewing gum also has its benefits.ย 
Some of the benefits are:

  1. Combats Stress and Anxiety-
    Apparently, chewing gum can be relaxing for the muscles and hence, it helps you de-stress. Also, it can be used to reduce anxiety attacks. No more nail biting and leg shaking!
  2. Reduces Plaque-
    Chewing a gum after every meal can prove to be advantageous since it reduces the plaque on your teeth.
  3. Relieves Ear Pain During Flights-
    You know that moment when you’re taking off or landing and some sort of pain shoot up in your ear. Well, you can now avoid that by chomping on some gum.
  4. Keeps You Awake-
    Chewing gum can improve your alertness and make you more conscious of your surroundings.
  5. Improves Brain Power-
    Chewing gum increases the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain which helps you improve your memory skills.

Surprisingly, I don’t feel bad anymore about chewing more than one gum in a day, haha.
What’s your favorite chewing gum? Let me know in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ˜€


This or That Book Tag

Hi, everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚

This is my first ever Book Tag and I’m very excited about it!
I would like to thankย Jadeย for encouraging me to do this open Book tag. She posts great book reviews and tags, so do visit her blog. ๐Ÿ˜€

The Rules:

  1. Mention the creator. (Ayunda)
  2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Choose one of the options.
  4. Tag 10 other bloggers.

Let’s get started!ย 

  1. Reading on the Couch or on the Bed?ย 

    Honestly, I’m fine with both places as long as I’m comfortable and content.
  2. Male main character or Female main character?

    I can’t really decide between the two because some of my favorite books have Male protagonists while others have Female protagonists. ๐Ÿ˜
  3. Salty snacks or Sweet snacks while reading?

    Sweet snacks for the win! I usually eat a chocolate bar or drink some coffee or hot chocolate while reading a book.
  4. Trilogies or Quartets?ย 

    As long as the book interests me, I’ll keep reading and reading eternally.
  5. First-person POV or Third-person POV?

    Most of the books I’ve read are in Third-person, however, I think that a First-person POV would be more personal and heart-touching than the former.
  6. Reading at Night or in the Morning?

    Whether it’s morning or night, I can read books at any time of the day. Because honestly, what’s better than reading books? Haha.
  7. Libraries or Book Stores?

    There’s this Vintage Bookstore a few blocks away from my house and I absolutely adore their book collection. The best thing about that bookstore is that it isn’t very crowded, so you can sit there for hours and read blissfully.
  8. Books that make you Laugh or make you Cry?

    It’s not that I’ve not read books that made me burst out with laughter, but most of the time I cry out of sadness because I get emotionally attached to the characters in the book. I hope I’m not the only one who feels this way…
  9. Black book covers or White book covers?ย 

    Just replace the ‘children’ with books. I’m not one to judge a book by its cover, so I don’t really pick a book based on the color of its cover.
  10. Character-driven or Plot-driven books?

    Should I be sorry that I like both of them…?

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers!ย 
I tag everyone! If in case you decide to do this Book Tag, feel free to let me know in the comments section below. I would love to read your answers. ๐Ÿ˜€

-The Jouska

The Get to Know Me Tag

Hi, everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve been nominated for ‘The Get to Know Me Tag’.ย getiton.jpg

Before I start, I would like to thankย Tiny Obsessionsย for encouraging me to do this tag. If you’re interested in posts related to books, movies, and all other things worth fangirling or fanboying over, you should visit her blog. ๐Ÿ˜€


Name: Flaneur
Nicknames:ย I don’t really have a proper nickname.
Birthday: 7th March
Star Sign: Pisces
Occupation: University Student


Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length:ย Up to my waist.
Eye Color: Hazel Brown
Best Feature: I think I’m most comfortable about my eyes and nose because they’re my sharpest feature.
Piercings: I had my ears pierced when I was 12.
Tattoos: No, but I’d like to have a small feather on my wrist like the one below.
Right or Left: Right


Best Friend: My first best friend’s name was, let’s say Alexis(Imaginary name). Our mothers were good friends and that’s how we met each other at a very young age. We’ve practically known each other since we were born. During those times, we shared a lot of common interests. Even though we’re not really the same people now, we’re still in contact and I consider her to be one of my good friends. ๐Ÿ™‚

Award: I won a trophy for coming first in a Dance Contest!ย 

Sport: Basketball. I loved playing basketball when I was a child, I still do!

Real Holiday:ย When I was 12, I went on a trip with my family for the very first time to Thailand. It was a great trip, I often look at the pictures stored in the attic. Ah, sweet old memories! โค

Concert: I went to a One Direction concert 2 years ago with my younger cousins. They are huge fans and I was there to look after them. I’m not a big fan of the band, but I don’t hate them either. I actually like some of their songs. ๐Ÿ™‚


Film: Big Hero 6! It is by far the best movie that I’ve watched. Even though it’s an animated film, it’ll make you cry. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

TV Show: I watch a lot of TV Shows. But, I guess that my all time favorite TV show would be Gilmore Girls.

Colour: Turquoise

I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston

Restaurant: I’m a big-time foodie, so it’s very difficult for me to answer such a question. Anyway, my favorite fast-food restaurant is Papa John’s and my favorite dining restaurant is Little Italy.

Shop: Galeries Lafayette! It has all the things you could ever ask for, from clothes to furnishings to gourmet.

Book: I can’t only choose one book! That’s insane. I can tell you my favorite genre, though, which is Young Adult Fiction.


Feeling: Content with my life.

Single or Taken: Single like a Pringle. (Bad pun, I know. I’m sorry.)

Eating: Well, I’m having a Hershey’s Chocolate Bar right now. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thinking About: The things I have to do tomorrow.

Watching: I can’t write and watch something at the same time, haha. Although, ‘The Voice’ is going on in the background.

Wearing: A loose t-shirt with some black leggings.


Want Children: In the future, yes. I love kids, they’re so cute and adorable that is until they grow up. ๐Ÿ˜›

Want to be Married: Yes, if I meet the right person and I can feel the connection.

Careers in Mind:ย I really want to pursue something in the Marketing or IT field. My dream job, however, is to work as the Marketing Director of a Fashion company. ๐Ÿ™‚

Where You Want to Live: Anywhere peaceful. Although, London would be a great option.


God:ย I’m not very religious, but I do have faith in God.

Miracles: Yes, absolutely. I have even seen some of them happen in reality!

Love at First Sight: Um, I’ve never been in love before. So…maybe?ย 

Ghosts: Nope, not at all.

Aliens: Well, the theories of Aliens invading our planet make it seem very real. Although, I’m not too sure if I believe in them.

Soul Mates: Yes, to a certain extent. If two people share common interests, understand each other, can read each other very well, and all such things, then they might just be soul mates.

Heaven:ย I don’t know how to answer that.

Hell:ย Same answer as above.

Kissing on the First Date: I’m not saying yes, but I’m not saying no either.

Yourself: Yes, believing in yourself is way more important than someone else believing in you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Gosh, that took me so long to write, but I had fun doing it!
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers and got to know a lot more about me. If you’re interested in doing the tag, feel free to let me know in the comments section below! ๐Ÿ˜€

-The Jouska





3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 3

I’m not going to lie, choosing only three of my favorite quotes has been quite challenging for me.

Since it’s my last day of doing the challenge, I’ve saved the best quote for the last!ย 
Today’s Quote:

Why I love this quote?
We all have dreams that we want to achieve sooner or later in life. While some people keep dreaming,ย others take a step forward to turn their dreams into reality. Diligence, perseverance, and commitment is all you need to achieve your dreams. It may not necessarily be as big as someone else’s dream, but it is as important as any other dream. Never underestimate the power of your mind, it can do wonders! There are many examples of famous as well as ordinary people who have gone a long way to come where they are today. Consider your favorite idol’s journey, it wasn’t smooth, was it?
I won’t hide the fact that there will be many ups and downs while you’re on your way to making your dreams come true, but in the end, it will all be worth it! ๐Ÿ˜€

As I said earlier, if you’re interested in doing the challenge, feel free to let me know in the comments section below.

What are your thoughts on dreams? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ™‚

-The Jouska


3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 2

Today’s Quote:

Why I love this Quote?
“You should talk more!” “You seem bored.”
It’s not uncommon for us introverts to hear such statements. Most people consider introverts or quiet people to be a drab. But, we’re not that boring! The thing is, most of the time, we’re preoccupied with anxious thoughts flooding in our brain. Hence, we don’t interact much with the people around us because we’re afraid that we might say something awkward. We prefer thinking rather than speaking ourselves out, and that’s perfectly okay. We also have control over what we speak, thank god for that. Moreover, I’ve noticed that a lot of quiet people are either very creative or logical. When it comes to socialising, quiet people prefer deep conversations over small talk. Remember, even if we’re quiet, we’re silently observing every move that you make, haha. ๐Ÿ˜‰

As I said earlier, if you’re interested in doing the challenge, feel free to let me know in the comments section below.ย 

What are your thoughts on this quote? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ™‚

-The Jouska



3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 1

Hi, everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve been nominated for the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge. Since I love quotes, I’m quite excited about this challenge.ย 

Before I start, I would like to thankย Nazminย for the nomination. If you like posts that are creative and inspiring, then you should visit her blog. ๐Ÿ˜€


  1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Post three quotes on three consecutive days.
  3. Nominate three new bloggers every day.

Today’s Quote:ย 

Why I love this quote?ย 
Marilyn Monroe always went after what she wanted. Of course, she was very successful in her career, but some people envied her success and despised her for it. From my personal experiences, I can say that envy is something that can kill you. I’ve seen envious people pull other successful people down just so they can feel better about themselves.
Sad, isn’t it? I’m not the kind of person who gets jealous of someone else’s achievements, in fact, I celebrate along with them. If people started appreciating other’s on their success rather than hating them for it, the world would be a happier place. ๐Ÿ™‚

Honestly, I don’t know who to nominate for this challenge. If any of you are interested in doing the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge, feel free to let me know in the comments section below!

What are your thoughts on this quote? Share your opinion with me in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ™‚

-The Jouska




Get Your Game Face On

Most people won’t associate me and the word ‘gamer’ in the same sentence. However, I do like playing video games. I used to have a Nintendo when I was younger, then a PSP, and now I have a XBOX 360 Kinect console!ย ๐Ÿ˜€

Some of my favorite video games are:

  1. Rise of The Tomb Raider-

    Tomb Raider has always been one of my favorite games. I’ve played older versions of this game on my PSP too. It’s not that hard to understand the game, so it’s simple but also mysterious at the same time.
  2. Just Dance 4-

    Once in a while, I like to get my groove on. The gameย has songs that are suitable for people of all ages.
  3. Need For Speed: Most Wanted-

    I’m a total sucker for car racing games. The sound effects in this game are amazing because it makes you feel like you’re in an actual drag race.
  4. Halo 4-

    I’ve only recently started playing this game and it’s already one of my favorites. However, I’m still getting used to all the cheats and tricks, haha.
  5. Kinect Sports-

    If you’re looking for the perfect family game, then this one’s for you. I, personally, love playing motion sports with my friends and family.

I hope you liked my choice of video games!
What’s your favorite video game? Let me know in the comments section below. ๐Ÿ™‚

-The Jouska