Internship Diaries

Being an intern.png

Internships mean different things to different people. For me, an internship is one of the most important parts of your higher education because it gives you real life experience and broadens your perspective. I’m currently pursuing my studies at university and I decided to intern at a company during the summer vacation. One of the main reasons why I took this decision was because I wanted to do something productive and new.

Today, I’m going to share with you some of the advantages of doing an internship:

  1. Work Experience:

    Internships are the best way to get hands-on experience of everything you’ve learned so far. Since you are involved in many departments of the company that you’re working for, it will really add up to your CV.

  2. Interpersonal Skills:

    Another benefit of being an intern is that you learn how to communicate and behave in an official workplace, so even if you make any mistakes, you will learn from them. In fact, you build your confidence when you speak to new people and pitch your ideas to them.

  3. Gain Exposure:

    When you work for the first time, you get exposed to a lot of new things. In the sense, you observe what people are doing and get an outlook on what really goes on behind the scenes.

  4. Connecting With People:

    When you enter a new workplace, you tend to interact with a lot of people. In fact, you make connections with people who might even share the same interests as you.

Image result for let's do this gif

All in all, from my personal experience, I can definitely assure you that being an intern is a lot of fun because you learn something new every day!

Have you ever done an internship? If yes, share your experience with me in the comments section below. 😀


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Leaving Old Friends Behind

Have you ever felt guilty about leaving behind an old friend? I know I have. Today, I’m going to share a personal experience with you all because that’s the best way to explain why you shouldn’t be feeling guilty about leaving behind old friends. 

I thought we would be best friends from the moment we met each other. Admittedly, the experiences we shared in the past were fun-filled, but we don’t share these moments anymore.
Is it my fault? Did I do something wrong? Why do I have this guilty feeling creeping inside of me?
I went crazy trying to think of ways to prevent our friendship from breaking. I would always be the first one to text my friend, make attempts to hang out with her, but it never did work out. That’s when reality hit me: It’s over. The bond you shared earlier is no longer in existence.
If you feel like you are personally responsible for this drift. Trust me, it’s not your fault so stop beating yourself up for it. Naturally, it’s common for old friendships to dissolve gradually. Some of the reasons for this are:
a) You both have made new friends.
b) You don’t share common interests anymore.
c) You don’t feel comfortable and free around each other as you did in the past.
d) There may have been a shift in personality or attitude.

You have to realize that sometimes, friends drift apart for no concrete reason. It kills not knowing why this happens, but it’s a part of life and one should learn to move on from it. 

Have you ever let go of an old friend? Feel free to share your experiences with me in the comments section below. 🙂


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The Get to Know Me Tag

Hi, everyone! 🙂

I’ve been nominated for ‘The Get to Know Me Tag’. getiton.jpg

Before I start, I would like to thank Tiny Obsessions for encouraging me to do this tag. If you’re interested in posts related to books, movies, and all other things worth fangirling or fanboying over, you should visit her blog. 😀


Name: Flaneur
Nicknames: I don’t really have a proper nickname.
Birthday: 7th March
Star Sign: Pisces
Occupation: University Student


Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Up to my waist.
Eye Color: Hazel Brown
Best Feature: I think I’m most comfortable about my eyes and nose because they’re my sharpest feature.
Piercings: I had my ears pierced when I was 12.
Tattoos: No, but I’d like to have a small feather on my wrist like the one below.
Right or Left: Right


Best Friend: My first best friend’s name was, let’s say Alexis(Imaginary name). Our mothers were good friends and that’s how we met each other at a very young age. We’ve practically known each other since we were born. During those times, we shared a lot of common interests. Even though we’re not really the same people now, we’re still in contact and I consider her to be one of my good friends. 🙂

Award: I won a trophy for coming first in a Dance Contest! 

Sport: Basketball. I loved playing basketball when I was a child, I still do!

Real Holiday: When I was 12, I went on a trip with my family for the very first time to Thailand. It was a great trip, I often look at the pictures stored in the attic. Ah, sweet old memories! ❤

Concert: I went to a One Direction concert 2 years ago with my younger cousins. They are huge fans and I was there to look after them. I’m not a big fan of the band, but I don’t hate them either. I actually like some of their songs. 🙂


Film: Big Hero 6! It is by far the best movie that I’ve watched. Even though it’s an animated film, it’ll make you cry. 😦

TV Show: I watch a lot of TV Shows. But, I guess that my all time favorite TV show would be Gilmore Girls.

Colour: Turquoise

I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston

Restaurant: I’m a big-time foodie, so it’s very difficult for me to answer such a question. Anyway, my favorite fast-food restaurant is Papa John’s and my favorite dining restaurant is Little Italy.

Shop: Galeries Lafayette! It has all the things you could ever ask for, from clothes to furnishings to gourmet.

Book: I can’t only choose one book! That’s insane. I can tell you my favorite genre, though, which is Young Adult Fiction.


Feeling: Content with my life.

Single or Taken: Single like a Pringle. (Bad pun, I know. I’m sorry.)

Eating: Well, I’m having a Hershey’s Chocolate Bar right now. 😉

Thinking About: The things I have to do tomorrow.

Watching: I can’t write and watch something at the same time, haha. Although, ‘The Voice’ is going on in the background.

Wearing: A loose t-shirt with some black leggings.


Want Children: In the future, yes. I love kids, they’re so cute and adorable that is until they grow up. 😛

Want to be Married: Yes, if I meet the right person and I can feel the connection.

Careers in Mind: I really want to pursue something in the Marketing or IT field. My dream job, however, is to work as the Marketing Director of a Fashion company. 🙂

Where You Want to Live: Anywhere peaceful. Although, London would be a great option.


God: I’m not very religious, but I do have faith in God.

Miracles: Yes, absolutely. I have even seen some of them happen in reality!

Love at First Sight: Um, I’ve never been in love before. So…maybe? 

Ghosts: Nope, not at all.

Aliens: Well, the theories of Aliens invading our planet make it seem very real. Although, I’m not too sure if I believe in them.

Soul Mates: Yes, to a certain extent. If two people share common interests, understand each other, can read each other very well, and all such things, then they might just be soul mates.

Heaven: I don’t know how to answer that.

Hell: Same answer as above.

Kissing on the First Date: I’m not saying yes, but I’m not saying no either.

Yourself: Yes, believing in yourself is way more important than someone else believing in you. 🙂

Gosh, that took me so long to write, but I had fun doing it!
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers and got to know a lot more about me. If you’re interested in doing the tag, feel free to let me know in the comments section below! 😀

-The Jouska





Things Awkward People Do

I admit that I’m a shy person, but I’m also very awkward. The main reason behind this dilemma is me being self-conscious of everything I do. Hopefully, I’m not the only one who experiences this. :/

Anyhow, here are some things that awkward people know to be true:

  1. You awkwardly smile in group photos. 
  2. You pretend to be busy on your phone when you’re alone in public just to avoid any social interaction. (We don’t want people thinking that we’re loners)
    22 Things All Awkward People Know To Be True
  3. When you have nothing to say so you just let out a nervous laugh.
  4. You try to avoid eye contact because it just makes you terribly nervous and uncomfortable.
    22 Things All Awkward People Know To Be True
  5. Flirting? I’ve never heard that word before. Does it exist in my dictionary? No.
  6. When you like someone and you want to try sparking up a conversation, but you never end up talking to them.
  7. You’ve always been bad at introductions.

You got to admit that we all have our awkward moments that we regret for days, months or even years. But, hey, at least we’re not bad people. 😉

Have you ever experienced something as awkward as the gifs above? Let me know in the comments section below! 🙂

-The Jouska